The last few days have been busy for the Modern Nomads. Monday, Chris and I were able to complete something that has been on both of our bucket lists…Niagara Falls. I’ve seen pictures, watched videos, and heard people talk about this amazing wonder. But, nothing can prepare you for its beauty. 

When approaching the Falls, you can’t tell there is beauty lying just around the corner. The only thing that gives it away is the carnival type atmosphere peppering the city. (Side note: I understand the ambition to make money, but I was a little shocked at the extent of the games, lights, billboards, and “tourist junk” in this small town. So, if you decide to go, be prepared to have more of a Vegan/Branson/Pigeon Forge feel to the actual town. OK…back to the Falls.) 

Chris booked lunch at the lookout tower, which was absolutely amazing. The restaurant rotates 360 degrees during the hour you are there, and gives you an absolutely spectacular view of the Falls. From that vantage point, you get to see the magnitude of God’s creation. It’s so cool to see the Niagara River split to make this awesome site. I loved experiencing it from the ground level (more about that in a minute), but having a bird’s eye view is something I will never forget. Even now, looking back on this experience, the English language doesn’t possess the adequate vocabulary to describe this majestic display of God’s glory. I cannot fathom how someone could see what we saw, experience the power of the Falls, and then still deny the existence of a Creator. Furthermore, what’s even more amazing is this same Creator God loves us, is personally involved with each of our lives, and sent His Son in order that we might be reconciled back to Him. WOW!!

Chris and Hannah Boo at the top of Niagara Falls

The Modern Nomads

 After the view from the top, Chris dropped me off to walk along the river to get pictures from the ground level. Some words to try to explain what I felt: Amazing! Spectacular! Powerful! Beautiful! Massive! Awesome! I literally walked from almost one end of the bridge to the place where the river pools before it becomes the Falls. OH MY! At one point, I thought it was raining but realized it was just the mist coming off the Falls. It was cool to see the smaller American Falls next to the Horseshoe Falls. The amount of water spilling over the rocks into the river below was fascinating. Standing next to the Falls, you realize just how small you are and how BIG God is. 

The American Falls

The Horseshoe Falls


Clink on link to see the Falls.

I’m so thankful and humbled that I serve a God who creates massive beauty like Niagara Falls, yet He is intimately involved and cares about every detail of my life. I think this is one of the lessons He has been trying to teach me this summer. As I mentioned in the last post, I’ve struggled with wondering if God sees me and is interested in the mundane of my life. Over and over this summer, He has screamed YES!!  to me. It definitely hasn’t been an audible voice, but it’s been in the crashing of the waves at Schoodic Point, in the sound of the tide  daily coming in and going out, and in the thunder of the water falling over the rocks at Niagara Falls. What a blessing it’s been to experience this with my sweet family!

We left Canada and entered back into the United States with a tired but full heart. This was only compounded by the opportunity to spend an evening with one of our former co-workers, Jon and his wife Marla. They serve in the Detroit area and minister to the churches there. They are always an encouragement to us, and though our time with them was shorter than expected (Hannah ended up getting sick Monday evening), it was a blessing to be with them. Jon and Chris talk regularly, and we have been able to pray for them and their ministry. It was fun to put a “face” to some of those prayers. I would ask that you also pray fro Jon and Marla as they serve in a very difficult area. Pray for strength and wisdom as they minister to hurting churches. Pray for discernment for Jon as he seeks to give them Godly council on what courses of action the pastors should take. And, pray for people to come alongside them to share in the responsibility. God is working and doing some great things in the greater Detroit area, and Jon and Marla are on the frontlines. 

Jon Beard with the Modern Nomads

Today we left Michigan and are headed west. Be looking for a blog written by my sweet man about one of his boyhood dreams coming true. I can’t wait for him to share it…