The Modern Nomads

One Family's Journey

Tag: family vacation

Never a Dull Moment

The last few days have been quite the adventure. Monday afternoon we surprised Nana and Popi at the Bangor Airport and welcomed them to Maine. After a month of being away from them, we were so excited to see them. The kiddos literally ran to them, arms wide open, and jumped on them. To say my parents were surprised would be an understatement. It’s so good to have them here and share with them a place that has become part of our heart. 


Good hugs







However, their arrival was slightly dampened by an excruciating toothache. I’ve heard of people having tooth pain, but I didn’t fully understand it until this week. On Sunday evening, while eating dinner, I bit down on something hard. There was an immediate sharp pain and then the lingering pain. Oh, the lingering pain!! I tried everything to make it stop, but nothing worked. I quickly realized it was going to take a trip to the dentist to figure out what was going on. For those of you who don’t know, I have an extreme phobia of dentist’s offices. I had a terrible dental experience overseas, and I’ve never quite recovered. So, for me to call the dentist was HUGE. They worked me in for Tuesday. The X-rays showed I needed an immediate root canal, and they made the appointment for that afternoon. After giving me good drugs AND gas, they calmed me down and got it done. PRAISE THE LORD I am now pain free. I’m still a little numb, but I’m not complaining, I can deal with a little numbness over a toothache.

On some good drugs








Yesterday (Wednesday) was much better than the previous days. We took my parents to Lubec to see West Quoddy Lighthouse, and I’ve officially decided that it’s my favorite lighthouse. Granted, I’ve only seen a dozen or so, but there’s nothing like the white/red stripes with the Atlantic Ocean as the backdrop. You can actually walk up to the lighthouse and watch the kiddos run around it. I don’t think I’ll ever forgot the sight of my kiddos enjoying this part of American history.

I love this place

West Quoddy







Nana and Popi

We, then, took them to Campobello Island where the Roosevelts had their summer home. This was the second time to visit, and it was cool to be back. The girls had swimming lessons, so Chris took them back early. Aaron ended up sleeping for a while, so we got to enjoy the island longer than we expected. We ended up going back into the U.S. for supper and had the absolute BEST meal I’ve had all summer. (And, that’s saying something because the food up here is incredible!)  

Today, we’re on the road again headed back to Prince Edward Island. I can’t wait to experience PEI WITH my mom. She’s the one who introduced and cultivated my love for Anne, and I’m super excited to go to Green Gables with her. 

Stay tuned for more adventures with the Modern Nomads…  

The adventure continues…


Vacation with Grandparents

Today we said “see ya later” to Honey and Pop and sent them off to Louisiana (via a few more stops to visit friends). What an amazing time we had with them this week! One of the things we enjoy is being able to do things one-on-one with the grandparents. Both of us are blessed to have amazing parents, and we want our children to be around them as much as possible. I (Amanda) don’t remember traveling with my grandparents. And, to my knowledge, we didn’t go on vacation with either of mine. So, it’s precious for me to know that my children will have these amazing memories with their grandparents. 

The girls traded off riding with Honey and Pop and enjoyed personal time with them. Honey always had fun stories of games they played, conversations they had, and sights they saw. I also loved watching Pop teach the girls to play ping pong, pool, and build train tracks with Aaron. They are both so patient with them.

Honey and Pop

Today, we ended our time together at one of the coolest restaurants we’ve been to this summer. Spontaneously, our day became free, so we decided to drive with them to Schoodic Point. Cindy is gluten intolerant and has been searching for a restaurant that serves lobstah on gluten free bread. After a little research, we found a restaurant in Corea and decided to go. Oh. My. Goodness!!! It was the best place! We literally drove to the tip of the peninsula, onto a dirt road, and found the Wharf Gallery restaurant right ON the water. The lobstah is caught and cooked within a day or two. We literally ate with lobstah traps surrounding us. There’s nothing like eating outside with the beautiful Atlantic Ocean as your backdrop.

Lunch view

Love this crew

Wharf Gallery in Corea

Then, it was on to Schoodic Point. The pictures do NOT do this place justice. I came to realize that many of the breathtaking pictures of Maine I’ve seen have been from this location. The girls got to walk out on the rocks and play with the ocean in the background. By the way, watching the girls jump on rocks has been one of my new favorite things. They’ve gotten more comfortable taking chances and doing things they haven’t done before this summer. Normally, KK doesn’t want to try something she’s not confident that she will succeed at, but she’s learning to overcome that lack of confidence.  What a blessing to watch my children be stretched in new ways and actually be there to experience it with them!

1, 2, 3, JUMP

Me and my girls

Schoodic Point

The whole Walker clan

So, as we tell the Walker grandparents “see ya in Louisiana,” we are excited to welcome the Taylor grandparents on Monday! There are more adventures to be had…

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