Last Sunday I walked into the Cave (the location of our college ministry) and saw this sign. It’s hanging on our prayer room door to let others know whether or not someone is currently using it. I’ve seen this sign countless times, but this Sunday something was different. You see, our personal life is in a little of an upheaval because we are trying to get our house ready to sell (more on that process later). And, if you’re anything like me, during seasons of busyness one of the first things to suffer is my time with my Heavenly Father.
My mind is so preoccupied that even when I do make an effort to sit down for some quality time with Him, my mind wanders. “I need to call the plumber. Now, when did the carpenter say he was going to come by? What else do I need to clean out or clean up to make the house presentable?” Oh, and that doesn’t include the normal thoughts about kids’ schedules, supper plans, and everyday mommy issues.
One of the biggest tactics satan uses against us is busyness. If he can keep us out of the prayer room, then he can keep us away from the very One who stands ready to deliver everything we need to live a life of godliness. The enemy knows “the prayer of a righteous person has great power…” (James 5:16). He knows that our Father listens to us and is willing and waiting to answer the needs of His children (Matt. 21:21-22).
Therefore, if the prayer room of our heart is not in use, then we can quickly become of NO use.
I don’t know about you, but that is a terrifying thought for me. I so want to be a wife, mom, minister, and friend who is useful in God’s Kingdom. I want to lead my children, through my example, to be men and women of prayer. I want to be a wife that my husband knows is fighting every day for our marriage and our ministry. I want to be a mentor that can say with confidence: “Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ” (1 Cor. 11:1). But, it begins in the prayer room. It begins with taking the time to have uninterrupted conversations with the Lover of my soul.
So, if you find yourself, like me, with a closed off prayer room, ask God to forgive you and help you discover the best time to spend uninterrupted time with Him. We often make too much out of the “when” of prayer/quiet time that we don’t actually get around to “doing.” God is way more concerned with our obedience than our good, but never realized, intentions. You may not be able to wake up before your children get out of bed (mainly because you never know when they will actually wake up…can I please get an AMEN?!), but you do know you have time during their nap time or right after you put them to bed. Start there. You may be a student and you realize the best time really is in the morning before you head off to class. Commit to waking up 15 minutes early, and start there.
Life is difficult, and I so need my prayer room to be occupied. I can’t control the craziness of this season, but I can control how I allow it to control me. Today, I’m starting fresh in my commitment to my Heavenly Father. He made me for relationship, and I am incapable of doing life on my own. What about you?
May it not be said of us: “Your prayer room is currently not in use!”