The Modern Nomads

One Family's Journey

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Unrealized Hope in 2024

Initially, I was going to write a Facebook post, but it may be too long. Therefore, I decided on another blog post. I have so many thoughts about 2023, but one overwhelming thought/feeling is: I AM SO GLAD IT IS OVER!! (If you want to know more about my 2023, read my previous post here.)

I know any of you would rather not re-live 2020; I feel that way about 2023. I am sneaking into 2024, praying that it does not know I am coming. 

This reality brings me to the actual point of the post.

Aren’t you thankful for new beginnings?

I can be fairly nostalgic, but if I dwell too much on the past or think too much about the future, I end up feeling anxious and depressed. So, today, I want us to think about the present as it winks towards the future.

Today is the last day of 2023 (PRAISE!), and tomorrow begins 2024. As I’ve thought about the ending of a challenging year and the beginning of a new year, a phrase continues to come into my mind: Unrealized Hope. Although I do not think you have to have a “word of the year,” I will embrace the tradition…even if it’s just this year.

Hope. What a fleeting word, which seems to leave as soon as you start to grasp it! Paul reminds us that “Hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what they already have? But we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently.” (Rom. 8:24-25) 

As 2024 begins, I am hoping for many things. 

First, I am hoping for a better year. I look back on 2023, and I am not the same person. I have changed many thoughts, convictions, and understandings of issues I once (loudly) professed. However, I grasped more tightly to Christ and saw His heart in a deeper, more profound way. I pray that the change results in a better year because I went through the crushing, survived, and now feel like I can begin to live out of the person God is making. I do not yet see what God is doing, but I continue to hope in the promise that “He who began a good work in me will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” (Phil. 1:6)

Secondly, I am hoping for renewed passion. This year was a year of survival. Thankfully, my doctoral work kept my mind busy and my creative juices flowing.  However, I hope to have a renewed passion for other things. 

  • I love lunches with friends but didn’t take many in 2023. 
  • I love sitting and writing out blog posts, but in 2023, I didn’t dare write too many personal feelings. 
  • I love being with friends, but in 2023, I didn’t have enough emotional energy for friends. 
  • And…maybe most importantly…I want a renewed passion for Christ’s bride, the Church. Church has been a difficult thing for me this year. However, I have tried to stay engaged…at least bodily. In 2024, I hope to engage emotionally as well. I still have alot of issues to work out about the church (especially the American church). Still, as I work them out, I hope God will renew my passion for His people. 

Lastly, I hope to finish my Ph.D. and move on to the next thing (whatever that thing is). This hope is more of a practical hope, but it is something I have yet to realize. I started this journey in 2019, and it has been a VERY long road. However, I see a glimpse of light at the end of this long tunnel. My family needs me to be done, and I need me to be done. I enjoyed almost every minute of this journey and saw things in myself that I did not know existed. I learned that even at 45, I can do hard things. I look forward, with unrealized hope, to how God will use this degree for His glory. 

Unrealized Hope. The fact that I am at the place of hoping again is a testament to God’s redemptive, healing work. I still have a ways to go, but I can hope again. I do not see the world as a place from where I want to run and hide. Instead, I want to tiptoe back into it, knowing there could be landmines, and enjoy it. 

In a few short hours, 2024 will finally arrive. I don’t know about you, but I am thankful to see its arrival.

What Unrealized Hope do you have for 2024?  


Wogging and Spiritual Disciplines

The past eight months have been a challenge for me. During my years in college and the sequential years following, I took up running as my form of stress relief.

I loved it.

I got up early, put on my running shoes, and got in at least 4 miles before most of the world was awake. Then…motherhood happened. For six years I was either pregnant, postpartum, or just too tired to even think about exercising. Any excuse was a plausible one, and I had sympathetic friends who “encouraged” those excuses.

However, last May all of my excuses ran out. All my children were sleeping through the night (PRAISE!). My youngest was almost 18 months. (That hardly qualifies for postpartum.) And, as far as we knew, my husband and I were transitioning from the “having babies” stage to “raising children” stage.

It was time.

Over the last eight months, I’ve discovered that my spiritual walk and discipline is a lot like running. Hebrews 12:1-2 says: “Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.”

These verses have always been special to me, but over the last few months, I’ve seen them in a fresh way.

First, there were things I needed to get rid of in my life.

My girls got out of school mid-May, and the next day I set out for my first “wog” (walking/jogging). It was hot, humid, sunny, and quite frankly…miserable. That first day, I felt terrible! My feet hurt. My face was red. And, my lungs felt like they were going to explode. I was sure this “new idea” wasn’t a good idea. I, literally, had two of my neighbors ask me if I was OK, and one neighbor offered me water. Ladies, it was THAT bad!

However, I learned a few things from that first wog. My biggest problem was my clothing attire. I needed new shoes — I was running on old shoes, which caused my feet to hurt. I also needed some new workout clothes — I was running in workout pants, and I needed to trade them in for some actual shorts. And, finally, I needed new socks — My regular cotton socks were pinching my toes causing more pain.

Spiritually speaking, many of us are carrying around burdens, sin, and worries that are preventing us from running the race God has for us. Our minds are distracted and our hearts are so divided that we can’t see clearly what the Lord wants from us. We feel awful because we are carrying around the weight of guilt, anger, bitterness, and shame.

It’s difficult to move forward in our relationship with Christ and to feel His presence in our lives when we have so much distracting us.

God designed us for freedom and a relationship with Him. But, we have to be willing to lay aside the very things­—comfortable things—that are causing us pain. What is it that you need to lay aside? What is God asking you to get rid of so He can be supreme in your life? Will you take steps to remove the weight so that you can run the race God has for you?

Next, I also realized the importance of encouragement.

Since starting this new running journey, I have been overwhelmed with the amount of encouragement I’ve experienced. Joanne, a lady who helps in our college ministry, started running about 10 years ago (right after she turned 40!). Now, she runs all over the country, and has even started competing in triathlons. She can run circles around me. But, she has been one of my biggest encouragers.

When I get discouraged, she tells me how she got through that part of her journey. She reminds me that she hasn’t always been at the top of her age-bracket in races, and that there was a time where she couldn’t run 30 seconds without stopping. She gives me perspective when I lose mine.

We also need encouragers in our spiritual race. I would encourage you to find someone in your church or community who can push you towards Jesus. This world is difficult, and we need people a little further along in the journey to come alongside us and encourage us to continue. If you have been following Jesus for awhile, look for a younger Christian woman you can encourage (Titus 2:3-5). The last thing we need is for judgmental Christians who act like they have it all together.

The fact is, we are all struggling with something.

None of us is perfect, and no one has it all figured out. Therefore, we all need someone to tell us that we’re going to make it through and then walk with us until we get there. Ladies, we were made to live and function in community. Instead of looking for ways to tear each other down, let’s seek to be women who encourage and strengthen each other.

Finally, I’ve learned the importance of complete, unwavering focus.

Last month I turned 39 years old. (How in the world is this possible?) Not long after I started this journey, I realized I needed a goal to work towards. So, I set the lofty goal of finishing a half marathon during my 40th year.

In order to accomplish this goal, I also had to set smaller goals. Here are a few: Run 10 minutes without stopping. Run a mile without stopping. Run a 5K, 10K, and 15K. Some goals I have accomplished, and some I’m still working toward. I still have a LONG way to go before I can even think about completing a half marathon, but I’m focused. It’s this focus that gets me out of bed in the morning or gives me energy in the evening.

In your relationship with Christ, who or what is your focus? If it is anything other than Jesus, then you will fall short and ultimately fail to grow. In this passage, the phrase “looking to Jesus” is an active, intense looking at something. Too often we give Christ a casual look to make sure we’re “okay.”

But, when was the last time you looked so intently at Chirst that everything else blurred in comparison?

He is the One who is the “founder and perfecter” of our faith. If you find yourself in a rut, turn your eyes towards Jesus. If you’ve lost your passion for the things of God, turn your eyes towards Jesus. If life seems too much to bear and you wonder if you can go on, turn your eyes towards Jesus. The more we look at Him and Him alone, the more peace, joy, hope, and true abundant life we will experience.

Most days, wogging is still difficult. I have a long way to go before I actually look forward to lacing up my shoes and getting out in the cold or the heat. But, I am so far from where I was eight months ago.

My prayer is that next year I will be able to look back on my relationship with Christ and see where I have allowed God to shape me more into the image of His Son. I’m not there yet, but, by God’s grace, I’m seeking to run the race of life He has set before me.

The Sacredness in the Mundane

I’m a mom of three amazing kiddos, which means most of what I do is considered mundane. Just this morning I fed three little mouths, fixed two beautiful girls’ hair, got those two girls and a husband off to school/work, wiped a snotty nose multiple times, read board books, played with the cutest toddler I know, put that same toddler down for a nap, and washed/folded a pile of laundry. And…all before lunch time. In all honesty, it’s so easy to get caught up in the mundane that I miss the rich blessings God has given me. The blessing of being able to stay home with my kiddos while they are young. The blessing of a beautiful home that requires upkeep. The blessing of clothes that need washing, drying, and folding. The blessing of food that I get to cook for my family. And the incredible blessing of a husband and 3 children that need my time and energy.

You see, the mundane of life is what the enemy uses to distract us and what God uses to refine us. On my bad days, satan whispers in my ear: “Amanda, you were made for so much more than this! Why are you spending all of your time/energy changing diapers, wiping snotty noses, and folding clothes when you could do more? Don’t you realize that you have a degree (or two) you can use?” And, the accusations continue. In these moments, it’s so difficult to see God’s blessings through the noise. And, the next step?  Discontentment begins to settle in my heart. I begin looking around at my friends who are in a different life stage or have been called to a different set of circumstances and wonder if I’m missing something. (Am I really settling for second best? Is my family really worth trading in what I used to want in order to be fully present with them?) If I’m not careful, I can easily spiral. In fact, that’s exactly what the enemy of my soul wants from me. He wants me to get to a place where I look at the mundane, despise it, and walk away from what the Lord has called me to do. And friend, he wants the same for you.

But, there is an answer (Praise God). And, that answer is found in the pages of scripture. “And I heard a loud voice in heaven, saying, ‘Now the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God and the authority of his Christ have come, for the accuser of our brothers has been thrown down, who accuses them day and night before our God. And they have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, for they loved not their lives even unto death'” (Rev. 12:10-11). Satan is the accuser of the brothers…of you and of me. He knows his fate, and he knows his time is short. Therefore, if he can get me to spiral into discontentment, then he can lead my heart and eventually my life away from God’s perfect plan.

Friends, discontentment is always rooted in self-love. But, look at the above verse. What is the answer to our discontentment? We are called to be ones who are in love with their Heavenly Father more than they are in love with self. We (I) must get to a place where we realize and rest in the fact that we are not our own. If you have chosen to follow Christ, then you have been purchased by His shed blood. You nor I have the right to demand anything from Him. When the accuser begins to whisper in our ears and distort God’s Word and truth, we must remind him that we are victorious in Christ and then stand firm on our testimony of faith.

I’m definitely still working through learning the peace of that comes with contentment. (And, I’m sure it will be a lifelong journey.) But, I so want to be victorious in this area. I’m tired of giving into the accuser and spiraling into discontent. I don’t know about you, but I want to begin running hard towards my Good Father. I want to claim His promises/blessings over my life and then rest in the reality that they are for me. He isn’t holding out on you, and He isn’t holding out on me. He knows exactly what I need in order to make me the wife, mom, friend, and church-woman that reflects His glory and points others to Christ.

My days may be filled with many mundane tasks, but I pray that I will see the sacredness in the mundane. For it is in those tasks the Lord pours out His blessings on my family/friends, and then uses it to bring a blessing to me.


We started The Modern Nomads blog the year we were married. However, between children, new jobs, and life (in general) we somehow fell off the blog-sphere. We decided to make a comeback and turn our blog into a website. We’re not really sure where we’re going with this, but we’re excited you have joined us for the journey. You will find all sorts of funny tidbits we have learned from parenting three amazing kiddos, traveling journals chronicling our adventures, and maybe a few theological musings that get trapped in Amanda’s mind. I hope you find a place you can connect.

Until next time…

The “Inconvenience” of Motherhood

Every now and again I get this burning within my spirit, and I know I need to write down what God is teaching me. Today is one of those days. Over the last several months people have sought to give Chris and me some “advice” regarding parenting. The advice normally sounds like this: “Enjoy this stage because it all goes downhill from here.” “This is when they are sweet, and then they grow up to be a three-year old, a pre-teen, and a teenager.” “I remember when mine were this little and now they are a pain.” Most of the time this “advice” is given right in front of their children and my heart breaks. What this precious child hears is that they were once valued, but now they are an inconvenience.
We live in a world where we despise being inconvenienced. We eat fast food; we drive fast cars; we talk on fast cell phones; and we live in the fast lane. We even DVR our TV shows to watch when it is more convenient for us. If something does not go our way, we throw a grown up temper tantrum by holding a grudge against someone, gossiping or seeking revenge. Over the last few months I think what I’ve seen more than anything is the “inconvenience” children cause in their parent’s lives, and once again, my heart breaks.

Motherhood is a new role for me. Makaylan is 5 months old, and I’ve learned a lot about being “inconvenienced” in the last 5 months. For example, I used to get 6-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep, but now I count it a blessing when I get 4 hours of sleep. I’ve also learned that just because your food is ready to eat does not mean that you will be eating it anytime soon. I laughed with a friend of mine the other day when she said, “I think my little girl hears the “ding” of the microwave and decides it’s time for HER to eat.” Any way you look at it, motherhood (parenthood) is inconvenient…and that is exactly how God designed it!!

Did we really think our precious children would come into our lives and not change things? From the moment you hear those amazing words “You’re pregnant!” God begins to mold and shape you into the parent who resembles His fatherly love towards us. But this shaping can only happen as we give over our rights to ourselves and allow God the freedom to shape us. The problem I’ve noticed, in myself and others, is that, often times, we push against His molding. He wants to produce within us love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and self-control (Gal. 5:22-23), and the tool He frequently uses to teach us these virtues is our children. But, when we see and treat our children as individuals who have interrupted our nice, cozy life, then we disrupt what God desires to do in us and in them. I am saddened when I see parents (especially professing Christian parents) handle their children with contempt. God has given us children in order to serve them, mold them, disciple them, and show them Christ’s love.
The Bible speaks over and over again about the blessing of children (Ps. 127:3-4, Ps 128, Ps 139:13-19). God calls us His children, and He delights over us (John 1:12). I am SO thankful that God does not see me, His child, as an inconvenience. Instead, while I was still a sinner He sent His Son, Jesus, to die for me (Romans 5:8). When I have come to Him in need, I have never felt Him roll His eyes at me. He delights in my need of Him, and encourages me to come to Him…with anything and at ANY time. He does not demand that I wait until morning, or that I grow up first, or that I get a grip. He offers Himself, and delights as we come to Him. My prayer is that my little girl (and any future children we are blessed to raise) will always know and feel that her parents prayed for her and still find her valuable…even when she is three years old!

Makaylan at 4 months 🙂



Chris’ Version

Hey friends….well, we have some big news for you!  Today is Makaylan’s 7 month birthday…..and we were officially confirmed by our Doctor to be PREGNANT!!  Again!!!…..yes, it is fast…..and yes, we are excited!  And yes, it is planned!  And yes, we know there will be some interesting months ahead!  But we also know that the Lord would never give us more than we can handle!  So….July 8th is the due date.   Did I mention that both of us are in school full-time?  And that Makaylan will be only 14 months old when Walker Baby #2 is born?  What’s been going on in your life, lately….hehehe!

This is Amanda’s version 🙂

Over the last few weeks I noticed that I was becoming increasingly agitated and emotional.  I told Chris that I was either pregnant or I was losing my mind. On October 30th, after a major cry session over something that should not make me cry, I decided I would discover if I really was losing my mind.  🙂  You can imagine the relief (and then fear) that entered my heart when I saw the words “Pregnant!” Chris and I want several children, but I didn’t know if I was ready to be mommy to two children only a year apart.  Yet, after the initial fear came the overwhelming peace of our Father, and I knew it was going to be OK. I have an incredible husband, who is also an awesome father.  And I knew we would tackle this new blessed challenge as a team.

I had my initial OB appointment November 9, but the baby was so small that we couldn’t see much.  There was a flicker of a heartbeat, but it wasn’t strong. So we decided to wait until we knew he/she was growing well…so after a LONG month of keeping a secret…we are excited to share with you guys our news.  God is blessing us with another little one, and we couldn’t be more excited!!!  It still amazes me that only 5 years ago I was sitting across from a doctor who told me that biological children were most likely not a possibility for me.  I also love how our God doesn’t seem to listen to what doctors say 🙂  God has caused our cup to overflow with abundant blessings!!!

Please keep us, Makaylan, and Baby Walker in your prayers as we travel this new journey. Pray for Makaylan as she gets ready to share mommy and daddy with another sibling. She is going to be such an awesome big sister! Pray for a healthy and event free pregnancy, but more importantly, please pray that our God would be glorified through every step of this process. We love you guys and can’t wait to introduce you guys to our little bundle of joy come late June or early July.

Here are a few pics…

I texted this picture to Chris to tell him about the baby. I love Makaylan’s face 🙂



Baby Walker #2


Learning to Trust

I think this day will forever be marked in my memory. It was a year ago that I was pregnant with our precious Makaylan, and Chris and I had just moved to Mozambique. I was right in the middle of my first trimester with serious nausea and intense fatigue. I was also dealing with either a form of culture shock or pregnancy shock. : ) I went to work every day praying that I would make it through the day without puking, and then I would go back home (the Lechner house) and sleep until it was time to make supper. (Told you I was tired.) On this day, a year ago, I experienced one of the worst pregnant days of my entire pregnancy, and it turned out to be the biggest blessing of my life.

Here’s the story:

It was Will Lechner’s 16th birthday, and Angie made him his favorite birthday meal. I remembered he got Dr. Pepper as his gift, but I don’t really remember the meal. Reason? I was experiencing a form of nausea and stomach pain that I had not ever experienced. I knew Makaylan wasn’t in danger, but I still had some intense nausea. I got online and tried to uncover a natural remedy for my intestinal pain, but the options in Mozambique were very limited. Finally, I looked at Chris and asked him to do something. This was a HUGE step in our marriage. We were both single until we were almost 31 years old, and I was not accustomed to “needing” anyone. I remember thinking that I had never felt this sense of need for another person. I didn’t know what to do, and I saw my husband as a source of comfort. This was also one of the first times he, as a new groom, saw his wife in need, and he immediately went into action. He asked Charlie to drive him to different pharmacies to ask if they had anything to help me. They drove all over Maputo and came back home with a “cure.” I remember the triumph in Chris’ eyes as he come home holding what I needed. I also remember looking at him and thinking that he was the most amazing man I knew. It was a glorious moment!

So why do I share this with you? First, I want to brag on the incredible man I have in my life, and secondly, because I am reminded how far I (we) have come in a year. This incident was the beginning of me realizing that God did not design for me to go through life alone. For this independent woman, it was “easy” to depend upon God, but I had conditioned myself to not trust individuals. The saying, “I can do it myself” was my mantra. But, here in this moment, I couldn’t do it myself. I needed someone, and God had given me that someone in Chris. Since that time, we have moved back to Louisiana, went through a pregnancy, experienced labor and sleepless nights, AND we have learned to depend upon each other. It has been amazing to watch how God has taken two VERY independent people and taught them how to trust and rely on each other. This lesson has been a blessing to our life, our ministry, and (more importantly) our family.

Me and my man 🙂

A Waterfall, a County Fair, and PIGS!!

Day 6 of our Great Road Trip found us still in Steamboat Springs, with our cousins Winston, Cindy, and Luke Walker.  After a relaxing morning and an incredible breakfast made by Cindy, the six of us took off to see the sites and sounds of the surrounding area.  We started off with a short drive through Steamboat looking at houses and marveling at the beauty of the aspen trees, the lush valleys, and the high mountain peaks.  We decided to go hiking at Fish Creek Falls to look at the incredible waterfall (which Amanda loves) and enjoy the cool morning.  Unfortunately our pics are on the other camera and we can’t show you how amazing the waterfall was crashing down onto the rocks near the bridge which crossed the river.

After lunch, Cindy, Amanda and MJ went to downtown Steamboat to walk around and check out all the little shops.  They went into an art gallery and enjoyed seeing all the local paintings and bronze statues of “western life.”

Around 3pm we all loaded up and headed west to Hayden, CO, to see Rolle’s grandkids participate in the Routt County Fair.  We met Brian and Kira Walker Ripley and their 3 boys (Tanner, Walker, and Landon).  Tanner was participating in the pig showing competition with 90 others pigs!  He walked away with “Reserve Grand Champion” which means that his pig won 2nd overall!  We enjoyed seeing Colorado’s ranch lifestyle.  The drive to Hayden was beautiful….more flat ranch land with hay fields filled with cows and horses.  The road was peppered with barns and small farm houses….much more rural than the ski resort town of Steamboat. 

We came back home (Winston’s and Cindy’s house) sunburned, tired and ready for supper.  Makaylan was a trooper all day!  She does well in her carseat, and has been happy and “talkative” when we get her out to play.    

MJ sleeping at the Routt County Fair (notice the pig in the background)

Silverthorne, CO, welcome sign

Kremmling, CO, welcome sign as we drove north on HWY 40.

One of the picturesque barns we passed on our drive.

Eisenhower Tunnel on I-70 west as we drove from Denver to Steamboat.

This was the view from Chipotle’s, as we ate lunch in Silverthorne on Tuesday.

Hittin’ the Road

Today is day 5 of the Great Road Trip! We have been weaving in and out of the mountains and it has been absolutely breathtaking!! In the last two days we have driven 586 miles. Makaylan has done incredible and is becoming quite the little traveler. She’s had only one rough night, but we also changed time zones. We are thankful that she does so well in her car seat, and the mountain elevation doesn’t seem to bother her too much. I (Amanda), on the other hand, have had some altitude headaches, but it’s nothing that some Advil can’t cure.

I’m going to let the pictures tell the story over the last few days.

We spent 3 days visiting the Richardsons in Amarillo, TX.
They were Amanda’s youth ministers my senior year of high school,
and I babysat their boys. They are now 16 and 14.
Little Danny turned 16 this year…yikes

Danny and Josh holding Makaylan.  They loved her 🙂

Yes, I used to babysit these “kids.” Danny is 6’2″ and Joshy is 6’5″

Kristie, Dan, Danny, Joshy and Makaylan…we had such a blast with them.

While we were in Amarillo, Mark and Kandy Persall came to visit.
They were Amanda’s supervisors while in Taiwan.  We had
an amazing time chatting and letting them meet MJ. (She wasn’t too happy with
this picture.)

Yesterday (Monday) we finally made it to Colorado.
We stayed with Chris’ cousin Rolle Walker. We
enjoyed our time with him and loved his hospitality.
Pike’s Peak, Colorado Springs, CO.

Yes, those would be snow capped mountains…in the middle of August! Amanzing!!

Chirs, Rolle, and Makaylan…we had a wonderful time
Malaylan talking to her daddy 🙂  SO cute!! (This is just bonus 🙂  )

Wide Open Spaces

This morning we left Jerry and Lacy Ritchie’s house in Mansfield, TX and headed west.  We had such a good time with them, and they enjoyed seeing Makaylan and loving on her.  They had this cute dog named Amber who absolutely loved MJ.  She wasn’t too fond of Chris, but she loved our child…so that made her OK 🙂 🙂  The Ritchies were incredibly hospitable to us, and we enjoyed our time with them.

Now, we are out in the wide spaces of West Texas heading towards Amarillo.  We will stay with Danny and Kristie Richardson. Dan was Amanda’s youth minister when I was a Senior.  Their boys, “Little” Danny (who is now over 6 feet tall) and Josh, were my little shadows during that time.  It’s been amazing how close we (the Taylors) have stayed with this family, and it will be fun to spend the weekend with them.  We will also get to see Kandy Persall, who was my supervisor while in Taiwan and now my mentor.  She always has such amazing wisdom, so I’m looking forward to gleaming some motherly advice from her.

Here are some pics we have gotten so far…enjoy
MJ discovered a new noise…grunting 🙂
Amanda’s Office
Wide open spaces
The lone building

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