This week I have embarked on a new adventure…ZUMBA. In case you don’t know what Zumba is…it is a combination between aerobics and salsa dancing. Since I’ve never been good at either of those, I decided I would jump in (or dance in) feet first and see how it went.
The first night my friend and I laughed the entire time. We found it to be quite entertaining, and though I was sweating like nothing else, I was having fun. I don’t think my hips have ever tried to move that fast. It was all this hip, feet, and arm motion AND it was hilarious. Sooo…we decided to go back. Tonight was round two…and for some reason it wasn’t as fun. There was still hip action and feet action, but I couldn’t keep a beat to save my life. I kept thinking: “I’m about to either twist my knee on this non-slick gym floor, or I’m going to throw a hip or shoulder out.” 🙂 🙂 So, after our two tries at Zumba, my friend and I have decided that walking, basic and boring as it is, might be more our style.
So for all of you Zumba lovers out there…Amanda Walker DID try. AND she realized that she is a Baptist, white, non-rhythmic, gal who just isn’t cool enough for Latin aerobics 🙂 🙂 Glad I figured it out before I threw that hip…
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