The Modern Nomads

One Family's Journey

Africa, Shakespeare, Prunes, and Pregnancy

So what do all of these things have in common…they are things Amanda has never experienced before now!!  I love how God takes you out of your comfort zone and gives you a crash course on dependency and trust.  It’s not always easy, and that is what I have experienced over the last two weeks.

I knew that one day I might be pregnant overseas, but I didn’t think it would be with my first.  BUT God has been faithful, and HE continues to give me exactly what I need.  For example, HE has given me an amazing husband and a great host family who has been so kind and patient with me.  HE has also given me a mom of four kids to talk to and remind me that I am “completely normal.” (at least for a pregnant woman 🙂  )  Then today HE allowed us to find some prunes…which I normally wouldn’t be thankful for, but if you have ever been pregnant, then you know what I mean!!  ðŸ™‚ 🙂  I know that I am far from over in learning what it means to “Cast ALL my cares upon HIM because HE cares for me.”  I’m also a far cry away from leaning on HIM for every minor or major issue in my life.  But pregnancy seems to be teaching me some of the things that I lack in my spiritual life.  My husband keeps reminding me that God is good, and we will be OK.  And I love him for that!!

So, if you are in a place of discomfort and wondering what God is doing…keep pressing into HIM.  Though it may seem like you are experiencing all of it on your own, I’m learning that in ALL things HE is present, and HE will see you (me) through.  Do I think I won’t cry anymore over the newness and discomfort in my present life?  Ummm…I’m pregnant…that means I cry at everything. 🙂 🙂  But my prayer is that I am at least learning a little of the truth that God knows my way, and HE has orchestrated it perfectly!!!


“Day of Peace” holiday in Mozambique


The Window Within


  1. Becca Wakefield

    What a good word. I needed to hear that today. 🙂 Love you!

  2. I have no idea what the prunes have to do with anything but it kind of makes me scared….

    Anyway, I'm praying for you! Love you, sis! 🙂

  3. I'm praying for you sweet friend! I love that I can read your blogs and be encouraged (even when you're talking about pregnancy and prunes:)). You're right…God is in control of everything little detail!! Love you!

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