Well…yet another LONG gap in updating our blog. But have no fear…these last couple of months have been quite unusual for the Modern Nomads. People kept asking us if we would change the name of our blog once we returned to the States, but I think we have been more nomadic in the last two months than we ever were in Africa. 🙂 🙂 We are blessed to have parents who love us and allow us to stay in their home for a week or two at a time. We have affectionately deemed our moving times as “Moving Bridges.” And we have had some fun along the way…
When we are at my (Amanda) parents’ home, we get to wake up every morning to two little girls. My mother keeps my nieces while my sister is at work. There are days where we hear Taylor (the oldest) standing outside our door wondering if we are awake. It’s all quite precious…sometimes! 🙂 Then I normally go in and eat breakfast with her while she insists on having exactly what “Aunt Mimi” is having. She even drinks coffee on the mornings I drink coffee. If I eat cereal, she eats cereal. Then we say good morning to Makaylan, and I answer a million questions about how Makaylan is doing and why she won’t “come out” and play 🙂 🙂 I think God is giving us a little taste of what the future holds for us 🙂 🙂
When we are at Chris parents’ home, it is quite different. The house is normally quieter, but we enjoy them just the same. I think my favorite thing about his parents is the “boyish” look his dad gets when we first arrive. He always looks at us and says: “It’s way more fun having kids around.” And of course, we are “the kids.” 🙂 🙂 Chris and my relationship was SO fast that I didn’t get to REALLY know his family before we got married. These last two months have been such a blessing for me because it has allowed me the opportunity to sit and talk with them, hear their heart, and become just as comfortable with my new family as I am with my family of origin. Last week we even had a visit from Craig, Nicole, and Landon. We hadn’t been around them in a long time, so it was a blessing all being under one roof for a few days.
Chris and I are SO blessed to have grown up in stable, Christian families with parents who model for us what a godly marriage looks like. We are forever thankful for their outpouring of love and support for us during our nomadic period. In years to come, we will definitely look upon these last few months with smiles and gratitude!! We love you guys!!!
Cara Beth
We love you, too, Amanda and Chris! Hope to spend time with y'all real soon! 🙂