This morning we left Jerry and Lacy Ritchie’s house in Mansfield, TX and headed west. We had such a good time with them, and they enjoyed seeing Makaylan and loving on her. They had this cute dog named Amber who absolutely loved MJ. She wasn’t too fond of Chris, but she loved our child…so that made her OK 🙂 🙂 The Ritchies were incredibly hospitable to us, and we enjoyed our time with them.
Now, we are out in the wide spaces of West Texas heading towards Amarillo. We will stay with Danny and Kristie Richardson. Dan was Amanda’s youth minister when I was a Senior. Their boys, “Little” Danny (who is now over 6 feet tall) and Josh, were my little shadows during that time. It’s been amazing how close we (the Taylors) have stayed with this family, and it will be fun to spend the weekend with them. We will also get to see Kandy Persall, who was my supervisor while in Taiwan and now my mentor. She always has such amazing wisdom, so I’m looking forward to gleaming some motherly advice from her.

Man, I didn't know I had to be wise…whew….I'll have to start practicing…