Over the last few months (actually, closer to a year), there seems to be a reckoning within my denomination and thus my small part of the world. I realize that most people outside of the Southern Baptist Convention have no clue, nor do they care, what is going on within our ranks. They may hear bits on the news or talk radio about sexual abuse within the church, fights over whether women should preach/have leadership positions over men, and whether Calvin’s understanding of salvation is the more (or less) biblical doctrine of salvation. And, for “outsiders,” these issues are just one, of many, reasons they give for seeing the church as detached from reality. (Just for clarity, should it ever be a question whether or not to report sexual abuse? For goodness sakes, report it!)
This year has been a tough one for many affiliated with the SBC…me included. I’ve struggled to know who to trust, if anyone. I’ve seen a “religious,” political jockeying for position among new, upcoming SBC leaders. (Actually, the politicalization of the SBC has been rampant for decades. But, I see people, who a few years ago were adamantly opposed to such tactics, now being the ones leading the charge.) I’ve discovered that once a group gains power, there is a desire, at whatever cost, to hold onto that power. (And, now that power within the SBC is shifting, I don’t have much faith that the ones now in leadership will behave differently than the ones who went before them.) I’ve seen continued infighting, name calling, and insults from the very ones who once seemed above that type of nonsense. (Most of it done on Twitter and behind the comfort of the computer screen.) And…I could go on. But, instead, I will ask: What in the world are we doing? And maybe an even deeper question, WHY are we doing it?
I’ll admit, the “what” question is a little harder for me to answer. I’ve read the Twitter/Facebook posts and wonder what in the world the people behind the posts are thinking. I love a good argument (just ask my husband), but I can’t get over how those claiming to have the Holy Spirit living within them are talking to and about each other. Have they forgotten that we are all on the same team, and more importantly, part of the same Body, Jesus Christ? Just because people disagree with you on non-gospel, tertiary issues, why make them out to be an enemy or speak negatively about them?
Maybe I’m too “simple-minded,” but it doesn’t make sense to me. If I fought with everyone I disagreed with, then I wouldn’t have anyone in my corner. I’m sure some would say: “You just don’t understand! You haven’t been hurt the way I have; you haven’t been spoken to the way I have; you haven’t been…” Oh, don’t be too quick to draw conclusions. I’ve been in this SBC bubble for almost 20 years, including graduating with 2 degrees from one of the seminaries that is now being ripped on Twitter. I get it. People, including me, have been hurt. But, we must do better and stop perpetuating the hurt.
Yes, there are definitely issues worth fighting over, and the SBC tackled many of those problems during their annual meeting in Birmingham. However, every issue, mis-spoken word, or ill thought out sermon illustration is not a hill worth dying on. Let’s save our energy for those issues that really matter.
The “why” question seems to be a little easier for me to answer. I believe with everything in me that the reason we, in the SBC, are fighting with each other is because WE CAN. Up until this point in history, the American church has been spared the vast persecution that is rampant in most of the world. Sure, a few of us professing Christians experience social, academic, familial, and maybe even financial discomfort. But, we aren’t living in fear for our life or the life of our family.
I’ve visited, worked, and even lived in countries that experience true persecution. They aren’t just afraid of losing their business; they fear losing their life. In fact, whenever a new believer chooses to be baptized they are often asked: “Will you turn away from Jesus even when your life or your family’s life is threatened?” If they aren’t willing to lay down their life for the sake of the gospel, then they dare not go through the baptismal waters.
I’ll admit, I’ve never heard that question asked in our cushy, American churches. But, what if we approached our relationship with Christ the way our persecuted brothers and sisters do? Would our relationship with each other look different? Would we see each other as a necessity in each other’s lives? Would we love each other better? Would we serve, instead of fight, each other? Would we work together instead of against each other? I think…no, I KNOW…we would.
You see, my friends living in those countries need each other. They look out for each other, give to and for each other, pray together, serve together, and sometimes die together. They don’t have the “luxury” of wondering whether a woman can teach a man or whether Calvin got the doctrine of salvation correct. They have deeper, more life threatening, issues to deal with. Oh, that we would turn our hearts away from this infighting and towards Jesus, and thus each other!
I am so tired of our culture seeing us as a fractured, out of touch religious denomination in decline. Instead, my prayer is that our culture would see in us a dynamic, life-giving Savior worth serving and worth dying for. Our persecuted brothers and sisters get it. May it not take a rampant outbreak in persecution before we really get it.
Leaders, it begins with us!
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