The Modern Nomads

One Family's Journey

Border Run, Steak, and Maternity Jeans

This week has been quite the interesting week in the life of the Walker family (all 3 of us).  This has actually been the first week that I have felt pretty good the entire week.  I’m still a little tired and want a nap after coming home from school, but I’m not walking around with my nose half plugged just so I don’t smell anything that sets off the nausea feeling.  I can take the tiredness over the nausea ANY day of the week.  Sleep cures the feeling of exhaustion 🙂 🙂

We also had to make a border run this week, and what the adventure we had!!  We have a 3 month, multiple entry visa, but the government only lets you stay 30 days.  We had to leave the country, enter another country, and then re-enter.  We left right after school on Thursday, and I was a little nervous about traveling in an un-airconditioned car with a guy I didn’t know.  I took a Zofran before we left (preventative medicine 🙂 ), and off we went. Raul, a Mozambican Believer, drove us, and he was completely precious.  When he found out I was pregnant he went into protective mode, which Chris and I appreciated.

The “fun” began when we got to the border.  Our plan was to go to the Swaziland border and then come back into Mozambique.  We had NO problems leaving the country and then entering Swaziland, but we hit a little snag trying to get our 30 day visa back into this country. The customs agent said that we had to be out of the country for 1 day, and we were in violation of that rule. Raul talked with him, waited patiently, talked with him some more, and then waited some more.  The entire time this was going on, I was having a dizzy spell and trying not to pass out.  Chris and I went outside to get some air, and then a few minutes later Raul came holding our passports. God had answered our prayers, and we were free to return home!!  PTL!!

Then to finish out our week, yesterday (October 22) was the year “anniversary” of our engagement. So my amazing husband took me out to a REALLY nice restaurant where we had amazing garlic bread, steak, veggies, french fries (my staple), and then finished it off with a chocolate dessert.  I don’t tend to eat much these days, so I enjoyed the added protein of the steak, and enjoyed the time with my husband even more.  Last night was also a monumental point in our pregnancy in that I actually wore maternity clothes for the first time.  I received a package from my parents and sis-in-law filled with comfortable clothing.  My pants have gotten tighter with each passing week, and this week it’s like I went over the top…literally 🙂 🙂  The clothes came at just the right time!!!  The shirts are still a bit big, but I praise God for pants that don’t cut off my circulation 🙂 🙂

So…to sum up this week…it was been a great one full of adventure and new steps.  I love how God is growing Chris and I closer as we go through all these changes!  These have been some incredibly special times for us.  More to come…


The Window Within


Mysterious reaction….

1 Comment

  1. Anonymous

    Wow girlie – you all are so in God's hands, He is watching and protecting over evey step you take! Isnt that just like Him? Isnt it exciting to wear maternity clothes? I couldnt wait when I was pregnant! Enjoy every single day and realize that even with the nausea, you are doing something so wonderfully incredible, carrying one of God's precious little ones! (This is Sandy Taylor by the way) Love you guys!

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